速報APP / 個人化 / AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Fa

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Fa





版本需求:Android 7.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:373 Rose Ave Venice, CA 90291

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖1)-速報App

The AV-4052 seemingly brings the instrument panel and cockpit of the Hawker Hunter to the wrist of the wearer with a homage and representation that is still utterly practical and balanced as a timepiece.

The AV 4052 pays suitable tribute to the famed jet without being cluttered and fussy in its carefully considered design.It is an impressive, functional and unique aviation inspired timepiece like no other.

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖2)-速報App

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖3)-速報App

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖4)-速報App

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖5)-速報App

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖6)-速報App

AVI-8 - Hawker Hunter AV4052-07 Watch Face(圖7)-速報App